Price per sqft ₹435 | Date added Added 2 weeks ago | Bedrooms 3 beds | Bathrooms 2 baths |
Half baths 2 half baths | Total rooms 6 | Floors 2 floors | Floor level 2 |
Area, sq ft 679 sq ft | Lot size, sq ft 14000 sq ft | Year built 2019 | Year remodeled 2020 |
House for sale.
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Open House
- 12/25/2005:00 PM to 07:30 PM
Building Details
- Cooling features: Central
- Heating features: Forced air
- Garage spaces: 2
- Floor covering: Carpet, Softwood
- Basement: Partially finished
- Exterior material: Brick, Wood
- Roof: Slate
- Parking: Garage - attached, Garage - detached
Amenities & Features
- Amenities:
- Features:
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Nearby Schools
- Elementary School: Coconut Grove Elemntary School, Southside Elementary School
- Secondary School: Miami Senior High School, Jackson High School