Price per sqft ₹435 | Date added Added 1 week ago | Bedrooms 5 beds | Bathrooms 2 baths |
Half baths 0 half baths | Total rooms 7 | Floors 2 floors | Area, sq ft 700 sq ft |
Lot size, sq ft 506 sq ft | Year built 1998 | Year remodeled 2020 |
Condo for sale.
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Valet, shops, business center, spa, fitness center, sauna jacuzzi, 3 state of the art swimming pools, walk to restaurants, bank, American airlines arena bayside, pharmacies, Whole Foods market. Close to the airport, Miami Adrienne Arsht Center, Perez art...
Open House
- 12/11/2012:30 PM to 03:00 PM
- 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
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Nearby Schools
- Elementary School: Coconut Grove Elemntary School, Southside Elementary School
- Secondary School: Miami Senior High School, Jackson High School